Meet Nina Ausley

The more I learn, the more I realize how much more there is to learn about how the horse’s body affects his/her behavior, and how misunderstood horses health and behaviors are in general.

I made a pledge to give back to horses by becoming a TBT Master Practitioner to identify, resolve, rebalance and prevent weaknesses in horses to help improve their quality of life.

I feel fortunate to be on this holistic learning path, and I am so excited to assist others to improve their well-being through TBT.

Let me help you, your horse or other animals rebalance and resolve health issues.

Living and operating out of Southern California, I have spent my whole life cultivating a deep love and connection with animals. I consider myself to have been born with the “horse gene”, and have been captivated and infatuated with horses my whole life. I was fortunate enough to get a horse when I was 16 years old and I’ve had them in my life ever since. I currently have two horses, Tommy and Ziggy.  After acquiring my Miniature Horse Ziggy, I was drawn to learn more about Positive Reinforcement Training and Equine Enrichment. My Haflinger, Tommy has always had chronic body issues that my veterinarian and farrier were not able to resolve and I was searching for answers.

I discovered Tucker Biokinetic Technique (TBT) when a friend shared how much it was helping balance her asymmetrical horse. I made an appointment with her TBT Master Practitioner, Serena Hull, and started the healing journey for my horses and myself.   Fortunately, TBT can be used with all animals and humans.

After witnessing improvements in both my horses after Serena’s TBT sessions, I started the TBT Master Practitioner Course with Dr. Renee Tucker, DVM


The Masterson Method, Beyond Horse Massage Online Clinic and course

Tucker Biokinetic Technique Master Practitioner

Advanced and Masters Level Medical Intuition

Equine Positive Reinforcement Trainer

Certified Pilates Instructor