What is Tucker Biokinetic Technique ?

Tucker Biokinetic Technique (TBT) was developed by Dr. Renee Tucker, DVM. She is an Equine Veterinarian, Equine Chiropractor and Equine Acupuncturist.  TBT was developed to solve horse problems that are considered unsolvable. 

TBT is a gentle, energetic manipulation of the bones, organs, muscles, nerves and fascia.  I help them communicate and help the body to realign itself by working energetically with something similar to acupuncture points.

TBT can be done in person or remotely.  It can also be done in the horses’ presence but still at a distance (for example on the other side of a fence).  

Each horse is unique and TBT works with each horse individually.

What makes this technique unique is that it first gets to the root cause of the horse’s issue with primary cause analysis and then a two-handed deep energetic touch is used to restore the horse to optimal health and vitality.

What can Tucker Biokinetic Technique (TBT) help with?

  • Cold back

  • Back pain 

  • Bucking problems

  • Bone chip

  • Diarrhea

  • Girthy horses

  • “Witchy” mare

  • Tripping

  • Arthritis 

  • Joint issues

  • Lameness

  • Lateral work

  • Lead changes

  • Not wanting to be brushed, touched

  • Head shyness

  • Dragging hind toes

  • Sacroiliac issues

  • Ulcers 

What to Expect in a TBT Session

I begin my TBT session by listening to your concerns and gathering information about possible past illnesses, accidents or quirky behaviors (such as never seeing your horse roll, your horse is always standing with one hind leg forward at an odd angle, noticing drag marks in the dirt corral from dragging their hind toes) to give me clues to help me determine what is going on with their body.

For an in person session, I will gently palpate your horse and do some simple body “checkups” to give me additional information about where your horse is sore or has a limited range of motion. These “checkups” are explained in the book by Dr. Renee Tucker, DVM, “Where Does My Horse Hurt?”  She also wrote one for dog “check-ups”, “Where Does My Dog Hurt?”.

Next, I will complete the TBT energy work with your horse. This is a gentle two-handed technique that determines the primary cause of an ailment and aligns your horse’s skeletal and functional systems to promote their well being.

After a session it is optimal to allow a horse to continue processing their energy treatment which means movingly freely at a walk and not being ridden for a couple days.  The third day can be a light ride (if they are normally ridden.)

The first session will usually take about 90 minutes and the next sessions should be closer to 50 - 60 minutes.

It would be optimal to have another TBT session in 4 - 6 weeks and then depending on the results, again in 12 weeks, then 6 months.

It depends on the severity and length of a condition.  Some issues are resolved immediately and others can take longer.

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